Jul 29,2019
A walker boot is a type of medical shoe used to protect the foot and ankle after an injury or surgery. The boot can be used for broken bones, tendon injuries, severe sprains, or shin splints. A walking boot helps keep the foot stable so it can heal. It can keep your weight off an area, such as your toe, as it heals. Usually we can buy all kinds of walkers ,such as tall or short fixed w...
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Aug 05,2019
An ankle support is a brace worn around the ankle to for protection and immobilization while allowing it to heal from sprains and other minor injuries. Ankle braces are used to stabilize and immobilize the foot ankle joint while providing heat and compression to the bones. Usually, you can find serveral kinds of ankle braces in the shops, such as foam ankle stirrup, air or gel ankle splints,...
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Sep 20,2019
Back braces are external immobilizers and devices that support the muscular and bony structures of your spine and waist. A LSO back brace, lumbar sacral orthosis, is a brace that specifically focuses on immobilizing and supporting your lower or upper spine. You can use your Lumbar-Sacral Orthosis back brace at Home. Your LSO Orthosis back brace can help immobilize, stabilize, control ...
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Oct 10,2019
Ankle injuries are the most common injury in basketball players. If wearing lace-up ankle braces will reduce the incidence of ankle injuries in sports. Lace-Up Ankle Brace makes it possible for you to continue moving comfortably with reliable support. It is worn over a single pair of socks while laced in the front like a shoe. Two straps wrap around the ankle and are secured with Velcro whil...
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Nov 12,2019
Orthopedic braces are medical devices designed to address musculoskeletal issues; they are used to properly align, correct the position, support, stabilize, and protect certain parts of the body (particularly the muscles, joints, and bones) as they heal from injury or trauma. lower limb orthopedic devices describe orthoses, braces ,supports, immobilizers, stabilizers and boots designed for the foo...
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Dec 25,2019
A walking boot as medical shoe ,can protect and immobilize the foot and ankle after injury or surgery. The walker brace can be used for foot broken bones, ankle tendon injuries, severe sprains, or shin splints. A walker boot helps keep the foot and ankle stable so it can heal. It can keep your weight off an area, such as your toe, as it heals. We can find all kinds of walker braces in the market, ...
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Mar 09,2020
The Coronavirus is still strong around the world .Now many manufacturers have been infected but our factory have resumed to production. Through this virus, the health is very important. So our customers all around the world are very interested in medical devices and orthopedic brace. Now I want to introduce the walker boots. They are used for stable foot or ankle fracture, severe ankle sprai...
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Aug 03,2020
Ankle brace is a kind of medical equipment to protect human ankle joint, which is suitable for badminton, tennis, football, bicycle, dance and other sports, or for ankle varus injury, postoperative fixation and strength protection during rehabilitation. Therefore, ankle braces include ankle sleeve, laced ankle strap,foam/gel/air ankle stirrup, ankle walker brace etc. Ankle walking boot ...
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Aug 08,2020
Orthopedic Spinal back Braces,Spinal orthoses, or orthopedic back braces, range from an "off the shelf" soft support to a complex, custom made rigid orthotic. Like other orthotics, a spinal orthosis is named for the area of the neck/spine/back that is treated by the orthotic device. TLSO back support is used to stabilize the spine after surgery or in the event of a spinal fracture to promote heali...
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Aug 31,2020
0rthopedic rehabilitation braces are more and more popular. At present, patients with spinal cord injury caused by a variety of trauma, including paraplegia, intertrochanteric fracture, femoral neck fracture, lower limb fracture, peripheral nerve injury of lower limb and artificial hip replacement, may cause complications such as lower limb external rotation deformity, foot drop deformity, heel pr...
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Feb 04,2021
In terms of function and material, knee braces and knee orthoses are orthopedic rehabilitation devices, which are used to stabilize knee joints, support knee joint and reduce displacement after fracture.Leg Knee Braces are generally used for emergency fixation before surgery, while knee orthosis are used for postoperative recovery. Knee stabilizer are commonly made of polymer foam or polyethylene,...
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Feb 08,2021
Orthopedic rehabilitation product is an external device used to change the functional characteristics or structure of neuromuscular and skeletal systems. Orthosis has been manufactured and assembled for a long time. As orthopedic technology products, it came out almost at the same time as orthopedic surgery (used to be a part of orthopedics in China). There were many names of orthoses in the past....
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