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Donating mask and face shield,giving back to the society
Aug 06,2021

The COVID-19 virus is not over yet. As a manufacturer of medical products, we are more concerned about the development of the epidemic. Xiamen Huakang Orthopedic CO LTD does not forget to give back to the society at the moment when the epidemic situation is not over. It donates KN95 face masks and face shields through Xiamen Red Cross Society to do something for the society. Xiamen Huakang Orthopedic CO LTD hopes to develop and produce more new medical products in the near future to make efforts for the society and the health of people all over the world.

Xiamen Huakang Orthopedic CO LTD is a professional manufacturer of orthopedic rehablitative braces and medical devices .Our products include Upper limb braces and supports ,Lower limb braces and supports ,Spinal braces and supports,Cervical collar etc. Lower extremity bracing include foot brace, ankle guantlet, SMOs (Supra-malleolar   braces and supports), Wheaton   braces and supports, AFO(Ankle Foot   braces and supports) ,Hip Abduction   braces and supports, Stance Control   braces and supports,Functional Knee   braces and supports,WALKER braces and supports ETC.Upper extremity bracing include Hand / Wrist   Splints thumb spica, humeral fracture bracing, elbow braces and supports, positional braces and supports posture corrector, shoulder braces and supports arm sling , finger splint etc.More information you can see our website www.huakangortho.com.

medical Disposable face masks manufacturer

medical products orthopedic brace manufacturer

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